'Character with Environment'
April 14th, 2016
Project #5 – Full Character Sculpt – ZBrush Sculpt.
Lastly, my favorite! We had to create some character/creature fully developed out. So clothes, hair, and some environmental aspect – a turn table, a bit of rubble – whatever conceptually worked. So I chose a mix between the Avenger’s Scarlet Witch – and my Luna model from Rigging and Animation – so almost a teenage version of the Scarlet Witch.
I started with the rigging and animation model – posed her and then deleted out/remodeled anything/everything I needed within Maya. That probably took maybe two weeks – because I did this, I did have a bit of a head start. Then I took her into Zbrush to do everything else. I even messed around/re-taught myself how to do Fibermesh for the hair.
I had quite a bit of fun working on this. It was the first project that was completely fun to create – it didn’t feel like an assignment – I really enjoyed creating it.
The Scarlet Witch

Project #5 – Some In-Progress Images.

'Basic Human Bust'
March 20th, 2016
Project #3 & #4 – Basic Human Bust – ZBrush Sculpt.
Next up, we had to model out a basic bust – the reference was provided. And then the second sort of half was to learn how to use Spotlight to paint a skin map (which we also had to create using photoshop) right onto the model.
So this was my result.
Tattooed Dude

'Sword & Shield'
February 25th, 2016
Project #2 – Hard Modeling – ZBrush Sculpt.
So while the first project was organic modeling, the second was hard sculpting – inorganic sculpting. We had to create a sword and shield combo. So influenced by the recent (ish) Walking Dead episode where Maggie uses a random street sign – I created a street sign sword and a manhole cover shield. Then I painted them up with a combination of zbrush’s tools/materials and Spotlight.
The Gangster Hulk Shield

The Dead End

January 26th, 2016
Project #1 – Human – ZBrush Sculpt.
Basically we had to create some sort of creature – so I went human – probably too ambitious for a first project but it could’ve turned out worse. Except for that head…. yikes.